Poughkeepsie Domestic Violence Lawyers
Domestic Abuse Allegations and Orders of Protection
Domestic violence is taken very seriously by law enforcement and the courts of New York. Police will almost always make an arrest when called to a domestic disturbance, to protect the victim and defuse a volatile situation. Although the accuser gets the initial benefit of the doubt, the accused also has an opportunity to confront the allegations and challenge the protective order.
- If you have been assaulted or fear for the safety of yourself or children, call 911 immediately. If it is not an emergency situation or if you have already obtained a temporary restraining order, contact our firm for strong legal advocacy in court proceedings.
- If you have been arrested on domestic violence charges or if you are being kept away from your family by an order for protection, contact our law firm as soon as possible. The experienced lawyers of the law firm of Stenger, Glass, Hagstrom, Lindars & Iuele LLP, will vigorously protect your rights and fight to minimize the consequences.
New York Domestic Violence Attorneys
If you have been the victim of domestic violence it is critically important that you have an attorney that can move quickly to take full advantage of the protections the law affords you to stay safe. Even if the perpetrator has been charged criminally, obtaining an order of protection from Family Court quickly is imperative.
Poughkeepsie Domestic Violence Attorneys
If the police are called by the victim or by a family member or bystander, an arrest will be made if there was any kind of altercation or threat of violence. The victim may request a temporary order of protection at the time of the arrest, which usually removes the abuser from his (or her) home and mandates that he (or she) has no contact with the victim or children.
Domestic abuse victims may also seek an order of protection without involving the police. Many such petitions are dismissed by the court because the average person does not know what constitutes grounds for a protective order. Our attorneys can prepare the petition and accompany you to court.
We have represented men and women on both sides of domestic violence cases. Contact us to arrange a consultation with one of our experienced lawyers at one of our three convenient office locations in the Hudson Valley.