My name is Ken Stenger, and I’m a land use attorney. For the last 25 years, I’ve been going in front of town zoning and development boards and helping people get permission from various towns to build things and improve their property.
Most folks don’t understand that there’s a whole body of laws and rules out there that are going to affect their ability to build a house, build a swimming pool, divide their land. My job is to get the approval, not buy the litigation.
My experience is, no matter what your application, 90 percent of the zoning & development boards I appear in front of want to do the right thing. They want to find a way to approve. My firm advice to anyone who’s engaged in that process, whether they’re a big developer or a homeowner, is to hire somebody early in the process who knows the law.
Not only do I know how to approach it from the outside looking in, I know how it’s received from the inside looking out. That gives you something. That gives you an advantage walking into that room.
When you’re looking for a zoning and development permit, when you’re looking for your approval, and you’re trying to get it done as quickly as possible, every advantage helps. That’s an advantage we bring to the table that other law firms cannot.
Contact me and the experienced attorneys at Stenger, Glass, Hagstrom, Lindars & Iuele LLP in Dutchess County today!