New York is what they call an equitable distribution state. A judge does not necessarily divide things equally. The judge is charged with dividing things fairly. It’s important you have a family law attorney that can ensure that you get the fair share of what assets existed during the marriage and exist now.
New York considers a professional license, things like a teaching certificate, or a nursing degree to be considered an asset. Division of that can be very complex and have a major impact on the outcome of the case.
With people who have businesses also tend to have a lot of individual investments on top of their main business or profession. You need an attorney that understands those types of investments as well.
The experienced attorneys at Stenger, Glass, Hagstrom, Lindars & Iuele LLP located in Wappingers Falls, NY have been doing high asset divorce cases for a long time. Call us today or contact us through our website. Get a hold of us. We’ll talk to you about your case. We’ll tell you what we can do for you, and how we can help.