The way an automobile affects the human body when it’s in a crash almost always involves the back and the neck because of the movement of the back and the neck when a car suddenly stops. It’s important to have an attorney that knows how to litigate those cases. Insurance companies in New York have been very successful in trying to weed out those cases, claiming they aren’t real ones.
They are real. If you’re in pain from a back or neck injury, that’s as real as real gets. You need to have an attorney that understands that, and we’ll push an insurance company to compensate you the way they should.
It’s important that our automobile accident attorneys establish contact right away to obtain accident reports, photographs, look at the accident scene. Skid marks don’t last long. We bring a lot of experience to those situations.
The law in New York is very complex when it comes to automobile cases. We keep ourselves up to date with it.
If you’ve been in a car accident, call us. We can help you. We want to talk to you, and we want to talk to you as soon as it happens.
Contact SDG law today!